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Postby goonlinetv03 » Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:10 am


I found a great way to make money working out of my own home. If you want to make extra money or even be your own boss, I want to share this amazing opportunity with you - And you can get started as easily as I did - Anyone can do this and there's absolutely no reason you can't make money this way!

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You can either check out my website and we can send you some further information

4 Ways to Make Money from Forums
With so many new tools available for the web worker, is it still worth investing one’s time in creating and/or joining forums as part of one’s online business? Although monetizing forums may seem tough, there are people who are using them to make money online successfully - either directly or indirectly. Here are some ways on how to make money online from forums:

1. Use forums as a way to look for client leads. If you join or start forums that are related to your line of work or business, chances are, you’ll meet people who will eventually need your products and/or services. If they see how valuable your contributions are at a forum, they’re more likely to buy from you or hire you. Just remember not to spam forums and/or do ‘the hard sell’, as you’ll most likely get banned and turn people off.

2. Run ads. If you own a forum, you can post ads - either Adsense-type ads, Affiliate ads, or Direct ads. If you don’t own the forum, make sure you’re allowed to add affiliate links to your profiles and/or signatures before you try that route.

3. Use a subscription model. If you set up a niche forum that is useful, then people might be willing to pay money to belong to your forum. This is especially the case if people can immediately see the benefit of belonging to the forum (help them to make money, gain unusual information, etc.).

4. Build backlinks to your blog or site. As a member or administrator of forums can help you by having links to your blog or site. So, make sure to set up your profile and your forum signatures accordingly. If you’re a valued member of that forum, they’re bound to want to find out more about you even if you don’t ask them.

If you own a forum - or you support one - feel free to share your experience about them with us here.
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Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:52 am

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