The Queensland labor government of Peter Beattie and Anna Bligh and the labor government of Kevin Rudd are corrupt to the hilt. There is increasing details becoming available. Consider the Kevin Rudd and Therese Rein, Bulimba house 'investment' and the allegations against Kevin Rudd and Therese Rein of FRAUD of both the Queensland State revenue and the Australian Commonwealth Tax revenue.

BrisConnections is the mainly underground [maybe metaphorically too], Brisbane Airport toll road link. BrisConnections Management Company Limited ABN 67 128 614 291 /, the management company of the trusts involved in the building of the toll road, and its 45 year operation, is now in deep trouble, as the project has a negative net worth at present; a negative Net Present Value [NPV]. The Management company for BrisConnections, are attempting to make calls on unitholders who have been mislead, either deliberately or otherwise, into subscribing for units. That needs to be fully investigated. The units should be delisted, until at least this investigation has been concluded. A moratorium should be placed on the 'calls'.
So much highly relevant information is at present concealed. There needs to be a full investigation. The Bligh labor government will not want that as it WILL affect their election prospects on 21 March 2009. BrisConections has a meeting of unitholders on 30 March, 2009.
We will consider just a couple of points of FRAUD. Firstly, consider the Queensland Government. I have already published the EVIDENCE [including excerpts of the Electoral roll], suggesting ELECTORAL FRAUD by Queensland labor. In keeping with their usual conduct, Corrupt Queensland labor has attempted to have their corrupt Queensland police lackeys have my websites exposing the evidence of labor electoral fraud, silenced.
Of course, there is the Public Sector Gravy Train. Also, corrupt Queensland labor incorporated a private company called City North Infrastructure Pty Ltd to conduct the negotiations with private commerce with regard to building this BrisConnections transport link. [Their email address is info@cni.qld.gov.au /.] The management Company is BrisConnections Management Company Limited ABN 67 128 614 291 /. Yet Bligh claims this, as a $3.4Billion airport link, as her government's project. Of course, the reason for incorporating this company was to muddy the waters in any investigate and for the purpose of concealing more corruption. There is no good reason for this incorporation. Did corrupt Queensland labor government incorporate this City North Infrastructure Pty Ltd so they could 'employ' criminals [like the struck off solicitor and labor fraudster Terence Joseph Mellifont, prominent member of the Association of labor Lawyers] that they could not otherwise 'employ' in the Public Service.
Corrupt Queensland labor has
- attempted to have corrupt Queensland police flunkeys silence my websites exposing the evidence of labor electoral fraud.
- View more proof of CORRUPT QUEENSLAND POLICE .
- CORRUPT POLICE email draws attention to Qld Electoral Fraud
- Rare OPEN email addresses for Queensland Police.
- Classical fascism is the predominant Australian culture now
- Queensland police are also involved in ARMED ROBBERY.

We are the Anti Governmental Fraud Party
In accord with their usual corrupt conduct, corrupt labor has requested the assistance of their corrupt and armed police force/'service' flunkeys to try by various means to silence a political opponent to Queensland's & Australia's corrupt labor politicians and other criminals.
We will be involved in future elections, in many parts of the world, including in Australia. Initially, in Australia and elsewhere on the globe, we will be concentrating on 'proportional representation' elections. Our Primary interest in Australia will be the Commonwealth Senate elections. Kevin Rudd may do us a favour and call a Double Dissolution election.

The Queensland Government states:
"The Queensland Government has established a wholly government-owned company, City North Infrastructure Pty Ltd (CNI), to manage the delivery of the Airport Link and Northern Busway (Windsor to Kedron) projects on behalf of the State Government.
The CNI Board includes representatives of the following State Government agencies:
- Department of Infrastructure
- Queensland Transport
- Department of Main Roads
- Queensland Treasury
- The CNI Board also includes a representative from
The Transport Department of the Brisbane City Council is a particularily corrupt section of a corrupt organisation.

The major contractor is Leighton Holdings Ltd, or subsidiary of Leightons.

Let's consider a criminal parasite named Ian Row, pictured above.
In May 2002, in a VisionStream Pty Ltd Publication it wrote:
Name: Ian Row
Position: Telecommunication counsel, Telecomunications Regulatory Group
Joined Visionstream: March 1988
Responsibilities: Management of a multi-disciplined and highly skilled land access and telecommunications regulatory group.
On the record: " The opportunity to be part of the Visionstream Team, under Chris Forsterling's leadership, at this stage of my career, provides me with both excitement and difficulty. The Nextgen project- as was the Brisbane-Cairns project is history in the making. The difficulty is that I keep putting off my retirement because of my enjoyment with work!"
VisionStream Pty Ltd website wrote:
The company was established in 1994 as a subsidiary of Telstra to specifically address 'ground breaking' processes and employment models for the efficient installation of the Cable TV and Broadband Network (HFC) and has always been committed to an innovative and continuous improvement approach to its operations.
Visionstream’s national office is located in Melbourne, which also incorporates one of Australia's most capable network design houses. Construction, maintenance and service activities are managed across five key regional offices located in Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth and Melbourne.
In December 1996, Leighton Contractors acquired Visionstream Pty Limited as a wholly owned subsidiary. This acquisition has enabled Leighton to expand into the rapidly growing Australian telecommunication services sector. In June 2000, Leighton also acquired LSE Technology, a wireless solutions company and placed it organisationally with Visionstream. ...
See some of Ian Row's 'legal' handiwork.
What these Visionstream Pty Ltd sourced documents suggest is that Ian Row was working for a subsidiary of Leighton Holdings Ltd from at least December, 1996 to May 2002, [at least]. When I had dealings with Ian Row, I was defrauded by him. He is a lowlife gutter fraudster. Prior to working for Telstra [Telecom as it then was], he was an employed solicitor for the Australian Navy. We know the long history of the Australian Navy rejecting legitimate claims for compensation from Australian Navy personnel who had been injured by their service for the Australian Navy. There is the Voyager debacle and also all the ASBESTOS claims. Ian Row clearly developed his skill of being able to cheat claimants when he is pretending to make a decision re compensation based on law. So when Mel Ward, the manager of Telecom at the time, appointed Ian Row to determine 'compensation' for me, due to the admitted [by Telecom], fault of Telecom, Mel Ward, wanted me to be cheated just as all those Navy personnel had been cheated by Ian Row. Mel Ward, 'agreed' or at least he SAID that, that I should have been 'compensated'. Clearly, Mel Ward, was setting out to cheat me, too, knowing that Ian Row was a fraudster as that was the reason he was 'employed' by Telecom.
For VisionStream Pty Ltd, Ian Row was working on 'compensating' landowners, across whose land VisionStrean Pty Ltd laid fibre optic cable. It seems Ian Row knew only one way of 'compensating', and that was to cheat and defraud. I wonder if any landowners will feel they have been cheated of 'compensation' by Ian Row when they read this article.

Importantly, for the BrisConnections matter, did VisionStream Pty Ltd or Leightons 'know' of the way Ian Row operated?
Ian Row involved other people in this 'claim for compensation' by me. The Supeme Court of Queensland, which is clearly corrupt, [most if not all the present judges have been appointed by the corrupt labor government -which has also been
criminally involved in the 'Heiner documents affair'], issued, in 1991, an interlocutory injunction [until trial which is still to occur {?}] in Matter 89 of 1991. See Supreme Court of Queensland document in Matter 89 of 1991. I suggest that but for the actions of the Supreme Court of Queensland, which is clearly corrupt, the many, many Australians could have been saved from the SIX BILLION DOLLAR [$6BILLION] FRAUD by HIH Insurance..
Now, I am not saying that the BrisConnections project is necessarily corrupt. However, I do know that there is just so much corruption surrounding it and those associated with it. In light of the 'difficulty' now being visited upon the unitholders, I think this evidence is a reason to have a rethink, by many involved.

I think the concept of such a toll road.tunnel is fundamentally flawed. Once that tunnel is built, the Queensland government will NOT provide the public transport that it should, or it will be forced to compensate the 'owners'. This is not what governments should be doing.
As well, topically, the BrisConnections tunnel will be a massive greenhouse gas generator. That the labor party would produce this massive greenhouse gas generator, proves that labor is deceiving everyone and is not serious about reducing Australia's carbon footprint. This 'Airport Link toll road' is a white elephant.