See why iWebFusion's the BEST EVER WebHost ANYWHERE GLOBALLY

Small Business Advisory FORUM

by Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc(maths) LLB BA(maths) See details

Firstly, I am not charging for this advice. I will explain in a posting to this Forum. Basically, the reason is called 'the Internet'.

Truly, when I was in business as an Accountant and Tax Agent, I used to feel uncomfortable charging for my services, and did say on many occasions to clients that I wished I did not have to charge. Well now, I do not have to charge. Also, I do not have to waste time 'selling' or 'justifying being paid' or 'collecting my 'receivables''. [On a side note: think of all the unpaid work a person does looking for a job, compiling their CV, writing applications and 'addressing the criteria on the job advertisement', and traveling to/turning up for 'job interviews', spending the time in job interviews and "toffing one's hat, so to speak', to a potential new 'master', who can tell you or me what to do. For most, maybe 19 out of 20 or even 99 out of 100, all the time and effort goes for naught and you have nothing to show for it except, receipts for you cash expenditure. Think if that time had gone into something over which you had some control: like the website you may own which has cost you about the same amount of expenditure and on which you had spent that amount of time.

The big money that occurs through the internet is not due to capitalizing the income that is made online, but by 'capitalizing' the growth in traffic that can be delivered with a domain name. The value is in the domain name and the traffic that it can deliver. Concurrent with that in my case, the more traffic I can attract, the more influential I become. We have all heard of Google. Well, I am pleased to say, that for some time now, over one year's duration, I have been able to deliver a top Google ranking to a new website [mine, or someone else's], within just TWO DAYS of it going online. That applies also to just a new page or Bulletin Board. ALL my sites also have high Google Rankings. Try Googling <rate the judges> on www. My sites have 7 of the FIRST 10, of 7.36Million URLs. Alternatively, have a look at some of the stats I have collected.

See why iWebFusion's the BEST EVER WebHost ANYWHERE GLOBALLY

Postby russellm » Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:14 am


Australian police tried to have our webhost, iWebFusion, World's BEST Web-Host, take down some of our websites with this Email of Corrupt Police, with my additional comments and links. In 2006 Australian police had tried to have an Australian Web-Host, take down our then site. We will now avoid that Australian Web-Host like the plague.

We have learnt from personal experience. It is very difficult to find a good web-host, but we know some to avoid and one particular WEB HOST to avoid. iWebFusion, World's BEST Web-Host is one we recommend because we KNOW they are EXCELLENT: EXCELLENT DISK SPACE, EXCELLENT BANDWIDTH & EXCELLENT PRICE making TOP VALUE. That was the reason we signed with iWebFusion, World's BEST Web-Host up in the first place. Now they have us for all times, because of their excellent service of chasing down our errors, [each our fault, as we have some pretty complex php programs running], and because, THEY TOLD THE AUSTRALIAN POLICE WHERE TO GO. [Anyway, the Australian police were acting ultra vires [beyond power - legal term.] Our first webhost was happy to help the police corruption.. YOU CAN TRUST this recommendation, because there is EVIDENCE THAT iWebFusion, World's BEST Web-Host, IS THE BEST. You owe it to yourself, to check them out.

We have a philosophy and policy of helping those who help us, and in fact going out of our way to help those who help us. We find this is good policy because when other people see this, they too are inclined to help us.

Also, there are many parasites in this world. We have found that the Internet is an ideal niche where we can 'reward' those who try to harm us. Since there are so many evil parasites, we have many parasites in our sights. There are so many more parasites than good people in this world. We do not want to be viewed as attacking everyone. Hence, whenever a good person or group appears, because there are comparatively so few, we cannot avoid rewarding good effort. Hence, we wish to reward iWebFusion, World's BEST Web-Host.

Because iWebFusion, World's BEST Web-Host have been so good to us, we want to thank them, by recommending them to other Internet uses who want to have their own website. The main thing you want when you have a website is to be available on the internet, FULL TIME. iWebFusion, World's BEST Web-Host have their data centre in Los Angeles, California, right on the world's major internet trunk route, meaning the quickest access, anywhere on the globe.

We also wish to reward YOU for viewing our website, and so can advise you on all theFREE SOFTWARE YOU NEED TO PUBLISH YOUR OWN WEBSITE, including a FREE BONUS to make you new website really look so professional. Check it out.


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Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA
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